God-given Gifts and Talents
One of the most neglected areas in many people's lives is the gifts that God has placed within them. But as children of God, we need to recognize our innate gifts, talents and strengths and do everything in our power to build and develop them. Why? Because those skills and capabilities are specially designed by God for you to fullfill your calling and perfect role in His divine purpose and plan. Good thing about our God-given gifts and calling is that they are permanent and enduring. Romans 11:29 tells us: ...the gifts and callings of God are without repentance. The Greek word translated repentance in this verse means "irrevocable" . Meaning, God cannot take away His gifts and calling in your life. Even if you've never done anything with them or even if you've failed time and time again, God's gifts and calling are still resident within you. They are indeed His deposits in our personal accounts, but we're the ones who will determine value of interest...