All He ever wanted

You're maybe hurting now.. At this very moment, maybe you're down and crying because something happened in a way that you never want it to be. Or maybe, you're on the process of healing because someone broke your heart and it is very difficult for you to move on with life.

People around you may not completely understand how you feel but believe it or not, your Father in heaven, the One who created knows your deepest hurts and pains. Maybe you're thinking that you cannot offer your heart to God because it's somewhat broken, tortured or hurt... But believe me, the God of comfort would love to accept it with open arms.... it doesn't matter if it's bruised, injured or wounded... because that's all He ever wanted.... And He's right there waiting. He's waiting for you to offer your broken heart, that He may be able to heal it and make it new.
Rise up chosen generation! Offer your hearts to Jesus!

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise (Ps. 51:17).


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